Year: 2021

how you can outsource hr functions uae

HR Outsourcing in UAE: What and How You Can Outsource HR Functions

HR Outsourcing in UAE enables an organization in focusing on the key strategic drives while being able to maintain crucial functions with external provision. An HR outsourcing service also brings forth the benefit of accessing costly innovative technology without having to investment heavily in additional capital.  In this article, we will explore the aspects of Human Resource that are best outsourced to professionals, the benefits, as well as key considerations prior to outsourcing certain functions.  Businesses typically find themselves struggling …

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top benefits outsourcing payroll benefits administration uae

Top Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll and Benefits Administration in UAE

Payroll processing, including benefits administration, in United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a regular occurrence that most businesses dread. Admin-heavy, time-consuming tasks start to gain momentum as there is a need for reconciling a pay period’s payroll and benefits. But, it should not be a burden and a time of stress and concern for businesses.  Instead, it is an opportunity in drawing a line and start a new pay period with a clean state. And perhaps put more focus on what …

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options company payroll processing uae

Options of Company Payroll Processing in UAE

Paying yourself and your employees’ wages requires more than determine the gross amounts to be distributed. The UAE government requires employers in calculating payroll- deductions, remit them, and prepare regular reports demonstrating that calculations are all accurate with salary deductions paid. All these can be a ton of work, most specially for small business owners whose time would be better spent building their brands and generating sales. Fortunately, there are a lot of options for owners of businesses in UAE …

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small business guide avoiding payroll mistakes uae

Small Business’ Guide for Avoiding Payroll Mistakes in UAE

A smooth processing of company payroll in UAE is like oxygen – you hardly ever notice it when it is there. However, as soon as it gets missing, there is nothing else you can think about. This makes payroll among the least appreciated HR functions even when it is the most important within a business. When it is done well, the payroll of organizations keeps staff members satisfied. What’s more, it helps an organization steer clear from legal consequences. If …

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ways for managing small business payroll in uae

Top Ways for Managing Small Business Payroll in UAE

Whenever SMEs in UAE make a decision in taking on employees. There’s always the issue of logistics that need to be resolved. Among them is payroll processing. Although managing payroll can seem like a rather simple and easy administrative task, by the time that it is put into practice, majority of small businesses and HR managers discover several bumps which may be very expensive and costly if not handled well.   In this article, we’ll provide you with some of the …

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businesses uae need know re employee payroll records

What Businesses in UAE Need to about Employee Payroll Records

The management of payroll is not a simple task. It does not matter whether the count of the workforce can be counted with only your hands or a strong 50; there’s a lot of documents that have to be maintained and stored regarding the information of employees. Failure to implement proper payroll management can result in massive fines and penalties. In order to help you, we have put together a quick guide for managing employee payroll records. Also Read: Payroll …

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