
How to Avoid Co-employment Issues

How to Avoid Co-Employment Issues

Co-employment also known as joint employment is a relationship where different companies share, or have joint control of an employee. This often occurs in the case of staffing agency relations, PEO, and...
Co Employment Do's and Don'ts

Co-Employment Do’s and Don’ts

Co-employment enhances efficiency in managing employees for companies working with Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) with challenges. This article explains the do’s and don’ts of managing...
Co Employment Laws, Risks and Benefits

What is Co-Employment? Meaning, Laws, Risks and Benefits

Co-employment refers to a situation where there are two or more employers that share or have an equal duty and responsibility of handling the specific employee. This usually entails a direct client, which...
UAE Labour Law 2024

UAE Labour Law 2024 | 10 Laws You Should Know

Employers in both onshore and free zone areas must abide by the New Labour Law 2022, which is a part of Federal Law No. 33 of 2021. The Dubai International Financial Centre and the ADGM are exempt from...