Month: June 2021

tips hr manager effectively manage workplace change

Tips for an HR Manager to Effectively Manage Change Within the Workplace

Organizational change occurs when a business alters its key components for either the operations or its strategy. This can involve changes to organizational structure, essential technologies, company culture, or major goals and initiatives. Depending on the company’s objectives it is trying to achieve, a change within the workplace can either be intermittent or continuous.  For UAE businesses, organizational change is usually categorized into two: transformational and adaptive. Adaptive change is small and incremental which an organization undertakes in order to …

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hr supports uae businesses during pandemic

How HR Supports UAE Businesses During a Pandemic

No one has seen it coming – even human resource professionals. COVID-19 or coronavirus, in just a span of months, completely altered the dynamic of a workplace. Faced with changes in demand, shutdowns, and even the confusion and possibility of an organization becoming irrelevant, businesses across the globe had to quickly make adjustments. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in particular, adjustments were made as to how businesses conduct their operations and manage their employees.  Ways HR Managers Help Businesses …

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payroll services for small businesses

10 Best Payroll Services for Small Businesses in 2021

The typical payroll circulation in the U.A.E. is usually two weeks. That means employees are paid after every two weeks. The work involved in handling payrolls usually depends on the size of employees in a particular company. For example, a company with few employees may start by manually processing payroll, but the same cannot be said for a company with over a thousand employees. Thankfully, there are several payroll services in UAE. That can simplify the process for company. The …

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protect business from fraud risks uae

Fraud Risks in UAE You Need to Protect Your Business From

Many small businesses in UAE today don’t fully grasp the risks which financial fraud can have on company bottom line. Entrepreneurs and investors all need to be aware of the different kinds of fraud to protect company finances, employees, and the business as a whole.  7 Common Fraud Risks in UAE  Here are the 7 kinds of fraud that payroll specialists in UAE encourage businesses to be wary about: Payroll Fraud  Payroll fraud, unfortunately, makes up nine percent of the …

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