Co-Employment Do’s and Don’ts

Co-employment enhances efficiency in managing employees for companies working with Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) with challenges. This article explains the do’s and don’ts of managing co-employment which ensures navigating employment responsibility matters effectively. 

 Co-Employment and PEO

Co-employment refers to where two or more companies share their management over their staff. This is commonly seen in PEOs, where employment responsibilities are divided between the PEO and the client company. The part of PEO is as a co-employer that ensures compliance with labor rules by reducing administrative costs and helps to improve employee perks. Co-employment has many advantages but best practices should be followed to avoid common mistakes.

Also read: Co-Employment – Laws, Risks and Benefits

The Do’s of Co-Employment

Responsibilities and Roles Should be Clearly Defined

It is essential to define clear roles and responsibilities in a co-employment relationship. Both the PEO and the client company need to know their duties, from payroll and benefits to hiring and firing decisions.

Open Communication with employees

Communication is a mandatory key in co-employment relationships therefore regular meetings and updates for both parties are aligned on operational changes, worker’s issues, and compliance matters.

Ensure Compliance with Labor Laws

Both the PEO and the client company must adhere to local, state, and federal labor laws. The PEO helps the client company to better understand to comply with the laws to avoid conflict and legal issues.

Provide Training and Support

Ongoing training and support from both the PEO and the client company are crucial for maintaining high-performance standards and employee morale.

Conduct Regular Reviews and Audits

Regular reviews and audits of the co-employment arrangement help identify any issues early and ensure both parties are fulfilling their responsibilities. By improving the arrangement and preventing conflicts, the proactive approach of reviews and audits can enhance effectiveness.

Have a Detailed Service Agreement

A comprehensive service agreement is vital. The rights and obligations of contracting parties should be outlined clearly to avoid conflict, The PEO Services and relevant terms of the agreement should be clearly stated as this document is the only reference point in case of disagreement or misunderstandings.

Focus on Employee Benefits

One of the advantages of co-employment is access to better employee benefits. Ensure the benefits package is competitive and meets your employees’ needs, which can improve satisfaction and retention.

Protect Confidential Information

Handling sensitive employee information responsibly is crucial. Both the PEO and the client company must protect all data and adhere to privacy regulations.

The Don’ts of Co-Employment

Not Ignoring the Fine Print

Before entering a co-employment arrangement, carefully read and understand the service agreement. It can be a matter of conflict or dispute in the future if the fine print is ignored while outlining the document.

Not Relying Solely on the PEO for Compliance

While the PEO can help with compliance, the client company must also stay informed about relevant laws and regulations. This comes with a drawback in that, if the PEO does not meet the laid down compliance levels, it becomes a risky affair relying solely on them.

Not Neglecting Employee Feedback

The importance of collecting feedback from employees from the organization’s perspective is very important in ensuring proper practices that are health-promoting are put into practice. Not paying attention to the employees’ feedback and listening to them significantly contributes to their dissatisfaction and increased turnover rates. The PEO and the client company should provide and respond to employee feedback.

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Cultural Fit

When entering a co-employment arrangement, consider the cultural fit between your company and the PEO. 

Amendments/Modifications in Agreement

Modify the shortened agreement before uploading it to the server under the section of the original article with a similar title. Thus, as the development of your business continues, your co-employment requirements will also change. It is suggested that the service agreement should be reviewed regularly, especially on matters concerning duties, services, or legalities. This way the agreement does not run its course and become ineffective in performing its intended functions.

Don’t Leave Conflict Resolution Possibilities

Conflicts can arise in any business relationship. Have a clear conflict resolution process in place to address any disputes that may occur between the PEO and the client company to maintain a productive and positive working relationship.

Don’t Neglect Regular Performance Reviews

Regular performance reviews are essential for monitoring the effectiveness of the co-employment arrangement. Evaluate both the PEO’s and the client company’s performance to ensure the arrangement continues to meet your business needs.


What Does Co-Employment Mean?

Co-employment is a management in which employee responsibility is arranged by two or more companies with shared control.  This is common in partnerships with Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs).

How Does A PEO Benefit a Business?

A PEO can provide numerous benefits, including reduced administrative burden, improved compliance with labor laws, and access to better employee benefits.

What Are the Risks of Co-Employment?

The risks of co-employment include potential legal issues related to compliance, misunderstandings about roles and responsibilities, and conflicts between the PEO and the client company.

How Can a Successful Co-Employment Relationship Be Managed?

To ensure a successful co-employment relationship, clearly define roles and responsibilities, maintain open communication, ensure compliance with labor laws, provide ongoing training and support, conduct regular reviews and audits, and have a detailed service agreement in place.

What Clauses Should Be Outlined in A Service Agreement with A PEO?

A service agreement with a PEO should include the responsibilities of each party, the scope of services provided, the terms of the relationship, and provisions for conflict resolution.

How Does One Select the Right PEO?

The following should be considered while selecting a PEO 

  • As per need of your company 
  • As per the values of your company
  • The track record of PEO must be considered 
  • Positive client reviews
  • Comprehensive service offer

How To Resolve a Conflict with the PEO?

By maintaining positive working relationships any issue promptly and constructively should be resolved as per the given process. 

How Do Employees Benefit from PEO?

Employee benefits are one of the main advantages of PEO working with access to better negotiations to get benefits packages on behalf of the client company with more competitive options.

How Is Employee Feedback Important in Co-Employment?

If employees are not satisfied and face issues, workplace peace and order cannot be guaranteed. Employee feedback is important for maintaining a healthy positive work environment therefore the PEO and the company must actively address the issues by taking employee feedback regularly for retention and satisfaction of the employees.

Whether Service Agreements Can Be Updated?

The service agreement should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any changes in responsibilities, services, or legal requirements by ensuring the agreement is effective and relevant.

How Compliance Responsibilities Are Handled in A Co-Employment Arrangement?

In a co-employment arrangement, both the PEO and the client company are responsible for ensuring compliance with local, state, and federal labor laws. This includes payroll, benefits, workplace safety, and other employment regulations.

How Can Regular Performance Reviews Benefit a Co-Employment Relationship?

Regular performance reviews help monitor the effectiveness of the co-employment arrangement. They ensure that both the PEO and the client company are meeting their responsibilities and that the arrangement continues to meet business needs.

What Is the Importance of Cultural Fit in A Co-Employment Arrangement?

Cultural fit is important because a mismatch in values and business practices can create friction and reduce the effectiveness of the partnership. PEO is selected while keeping in view the values and culture of the company.

How Confidentiality Is Protected in an Arrangement of Co-Employment?

It is managed for the company and a PEO to use employee’s details with responsibility by ensuring that all data protection and privacy regulations are strictly followed to protect confidential information.

What Should I Consider Before Entering a Co-Employment Arrangement?

Before entering a co-employment arrangement, carefully review the service agreement, understand the roles and responsibilities of each party, ensure compliance with labor laws, and consider the cultural fit between your company and the PEO.

How Can Co-Employment Help with Business Growth?

Co-employment can help with business growth by reducing administrative burdens, ensuring compliance, and providing access to better employee benefits so the company may focus more on the strategic growth of core business activities by taking initiatives.

What Are the Disadvantages of Co-Employment?

Co- employment disadvantages include the risk of legal issues related to compliance, potential revenue loss if not properly managed, and conflicts between the PEO and the client company if roles and responsibilities are not clearly defined.

How Can Training and Support Enhance a Co-Employment Arrangement?

Providing ongoing training and support to employees helps maintain high performance standards and ensures that employees feel valued and supported which may enhance retention rates and job satisfaction.

How Does PEO Play an Important Role in Co-Employment?

The HR functions are managed by PEO for instance, benefits administration, payroll, employee relations, and compliance with shared employment responsibilities with the company which allows the entity to focus on its business activities and growth.

How To Avoid Pitfalls in Co-Employment?

To avoid common pitfalls in co-employment, clearly define roles and responsibilities, maintain open communication, ensure compliance, conduct regular reviews and audits, update the service agreement as needed, and handle conflicts promptly and constructively.

How Can Co-Employment Improve Employee Retention?

Co-employment can improve employee retention by providing access to better benefits, reducing administrative burdens, ensuring compliance, and fostering a supportive work environment through effective training and support.
