What are the steps for relocating an employee to Dubai?

Thinking about moving your business to UAE and expanding globally? This sounds like a great step but one that comes with lots of challenges. Many companies who wish to extend their business opt for payroll outsourcing especially for the initial years of business expansion in the UAE. Opening your business in UAE can be very stressful if you overlook the complications of running a business here. The most important thing to think about first would be your human resource. While you decide to extend your business, hiring a new team in UAE would be your first complex task – or you could simply decide to relocate your employees to UAE.

Relocating an Employee to UAE

Relocating your employee to Dubai is a big decision. It can be a very intimidating experience for both – the business and the employee if it is not carried out properly. When an employee moves to a different country or city, there are certain challenges and cultural constraints that prevent him and his family from settling down and there is a certain risk of repatriation cost in case the employee doesn’t adjust. So when you make a decision to relocate your employee, you must always think one step ahead! We suggest you consult with a reputed firm offering PRO services, payroll outsourcing and HR outsourcing services in order to have the clarity you need and make necessary arrangements before sending off your employee to UAE.

Steps for relocating an employee to Dubai

In case of relocating an employee to Dubai, here is what you need to know!

Employment Visa and Work Permit

Dubai is a city where most expatriates come for work. It is a market full of opportunities for international businesses. However, for anyone who wants to work or run a business in Dubai, it is very important to first have all the necessary documents. Business license, work permit and employment visa are some of such documents. Acquisition of these documents may become a long and tiring process so it is always best to consult a company that deals with PRO services to make your work smoother and well guided.  

Temporary Accommodation

When you plan to send your employee to a foreign land, one of the most costly expenses is to bear the accommodation before they arrive. Accommodation in Dubai can be very expensive if not researched thoroughly. When looking for accommodation there are certain factors which are commonly considered by the person living there such as commute to and from the workplace, schools nearby, in case the person wants to bring the family and how far is the commercial area from the accommodation.  

Remuneration and Benefits

Many companies when relocating an employee consider the option for payroll outsourcing companies to prepare remuneration packages for their employee. HR outsourcing or payroll services in Dubai can benefit the employer with a great deal of payroll function. There are many companies in Dubai that deal in such services so if you ever decide to relocate your employee to Dubai, it can save you money and time to consult with such a company for more details about the remuneration and benefits of your transferred employee.

Allowances for family

While you plan relocation for your employee, it may be no surprise that the employee would sooner or later want to bring his family with him too. In Dubai, an employee can sponsor their spouse and children if he has a good employment visa from the company. In most cases, the company is to sponsor health and travel allowances for the family as well as the employee. In Dubai, it is necessary to have health insurance especially if you are an employee. Many companies provide health insurance to spouses and children too with their employees. In most cases, a return air ticket is also sponsored by the company for the employee and his family to their home country once a year.

End of Service Benefits

According to UAE’s labor law, an end of service gratuity (EOSG) is entitled to the employees, which makes it another expense for the company when relocating the employee. The company shall draft a contract where the end of service benefits must be mentioned and if not, there shall be a clause that implies equivalency to the benefit such as a pension. 

Looking for guidance to relocate your employee?

Payroll Middle East specializes in facilitating its clients for employee relocation assisting them with the right kind of guidance for that. Our extensive payroll services in Dubai which include HR outsourcing, Payroll Outsourcing and PRO services have enabled us to make a notable deal of satisfied clientele in past years. With immaculate consultancy, we leave no room for confusion for our clients striving to provide worthwhile solutions to them.  
