When thinking about whether it’s going to be a great idea for your business to outsource a part or all of its HR functions, you should consider other companies’ reasons why they outsource to HR specialists in UAE. This is especially true for specialized tasks within an organization. A team of HR experts has a deep understanding of local laws and regulations. They also have specialized expertise and experience. Furthermore, an HR manager that is hired in-house for a business can be a huge waste of business resources.
Advantages of Hr Outsourcing in UAE
Massive Cost Savings for Your Business
Working with a firm that offers HR outsourcing in UAE as a service will help you in trimming costs down. This means you will be able to focus your company resources on customer-facing responsibilities, as well as the core business. In fact, a business can end up with thirty percent in cost savings just by outsourcing its HR department to a service provider. This is because maintaining two or more experts in-house is a huge investment. Fortunately, there’s a cost-saving way to go about handling HR functions.
Additionally, your business will also have a team of seasoned HR experts to handle the work required by the organization and regulatory agencies.
Increase Efficiency
Most businesses outsource their HR functions because of the fact that doing so will result in greater efficiency within an organization. Outsourcing HR in UAE will help in streamlining all significant HR activities, most especially employee administration, payroll processing in UAE, and full regulatory compliance. When a business outsources its HR functions, it definitely will see its company processes improve.
Improved Employee Performance
An organization’s overall development helps in supporting the growth of employees. More often than not, the overall quality including time in delivering quality output improves as a business outsources its HR functions. This is apparent when results are compared to when HR matters are handled internally. An outsourcing firm offering HR services in UAE can monitor employees’ performance, and satisfaction in the workplace, and provide further training for continuous professional career development. For company administration, responsibilities are lessened which means there is less burden on them and more time in growing the business.
HR functions that you should outsource
Legal compliance – There is always an update or new legislation that is issued in the UAE. A business should have HR experts that assess the impact of new regulations on the business. If new legislation and regulations are ignored, a business can easily get into a big mess of non-compliance.
Company policies and procedures – This is a great responsibility that you can outsource to HR experts. Your hired HR firm can help in the development of a series of company policies and procedures. They are to be published in the employee handbook. Every business in the UAE, regardless of size, is in need of a handbook even when there is only one employee. The employee handbook should contain policies that cover topics such as leave or absence, behavioral issues, performance management, sick and vacation time, etc. Company policies and procedures offer consistency which allows an employer to not make up rules as the business operates.
Training of employees – Aside from developing a handbook, your hired HR specialist should also help in the training of employees. It is best to hire a reputable firm that is already experienced in handling employees who belong to your industry. Employee training is best added to new employee orientation.
Core values, vision, and mission – It is usually the founder or CEO of a business that establishes its core values, mission, and vision. But, an HR outsourcing firm can also help you figure out your company’s goals and hold all staff members accountable for adhering to them.
Employer branding – A business owner or CEO can build a brand for a company from the standpoint of a customer; however, it is an HR outsourcing firm’s job to create a great brand for an employer. This includes activities like checking in with existing staff members in order to ensure that employee morale is high, as well as developing a productive working environment and employee culture. Another aspect of employer branding which befalls an HR outsourcing firm is promoting a business as the best employer for top talent.
Employee advocacy – This is one of the vital roles of an HR outsourcing firm. An HR specialist that you hire must be able to act as the neutral party whenever team members come in to raise concerns, ask questions or complain. An HR department of a business has to be effective in being a go-between where employee concerns are taken to the management and acting on behalf of the company administration.
If you have questions regarding HR outsourcing in UAE, contact us here in Payroll Middle East today!